GG - a suc­cess story made in Aus­tria


In April 2021, GG opens its Regional Customer Service Center Shanghai, China. The focus lies on our customers in the APAC region and the design & development of wire harnesses and components for the automotive industry.

In 2023, GG initiates an active transformation process to align the company with the future needs of the market. In the course of this, Arno Haselhorst becomes part of the board of management. He takes over the baton from Eva Schinkinger, who is leaving the company at her own request after 28 years. The board of management now consists of Arno Haselhorst as CEO/COO/CRO and Holger Fastabend as CSO/CTO.


In 2019, the company strengthened its management by Harald Buehren, who took over from Axel Blasko.


In 2020, the elevator division with its production sites in Slovakia and India and the metal plant in Linz were carved out from the company. The future consolidation of the company's resources on growth areas of the automotive industry - e-mobility, autonomous driving and digitalization - enables a strong commitment to investing in innovation.



In 2014, the first pro­duc­tion site across the At­lantic Ocean started its op­er­a­tion. Bat­tery har­nesses and sup­ply lines for the au­to­mo­tive sec­tor are pro­duced in San Juan del Río, Mex­ico.

Man­age­ment changes oc­cured at Gebauer & Griller in Vi­enna in 2016. Friederike Jacquelin, who had been the CEO for many years, be­came a mem­ber of the Su­per­vi­sory Board. Eva Schinkinger became her suc­ces­sor. Axel Blasko and Hol­ger Fastabend joined the management board. Niko­laus Griller rep­re­sents the interests of the owner familiy in third gen­er­a­tion.

In 2017, the lo­ca­tions in Mex­ico and the Republic of Moldova were ex­panded sig­nif­i­cantly and the first pro­duc­tion site in the Peo­ple’s Re­pub­lic of China opened in Shenyang.


The 2010s are marked by the in­creased glob­al­iza­tion of Gebauer & Griller. Sales of­fices in the United States and Ger­many as well as new pro­duc­tion sites in In­dia, the Re­pub­lic of Moldova, Mex­ico, Slo­va­kia and China cre­ated the foun­da­tion for fu­ture growth and af­firmed the dy­namic de­vel­op­ment of the com­pany.

In 2010, Gebauer & Griller ven­tured into the Asian mar­ket and opened its first plant in Ban­ga­lore, In­dia. This plant pro­duces pri­mar­ily el­e­va­tor wires and pho­to­voltaic el­e­ments.

In Balti (Re­pub­lic of Moldova), the ground­break­ing cer­e­mony for a plant pro­duc­ing sin­gle-core wires for the au­to­mo­tive sec­tor was held in 2012.

In 2013, a plant for cus­tomized prod­ucts for the el­e­va­tor and es­ca­la­tor sec­tor was es­tab­lished near the Poys­dorf lo­ca­tion in Vel’ke Lev­áre in West­ern Slo­va­kia.


In the 2000s, we ex­panded the scope of our busi­ness by adding ca­ble har­nesses and us­ing alu­minum as a wire ma­te­r­ial for ve­hi­cles. This be­came the foun­da­tion for our com­pa­ny’s growth un­til to­day.

A new coat­ing tower was erected at the Linz lo­ca­tion in 2009. With the spe­cially de­signed tin-plated flat wires for pho­to­voltaic pro­duc­ers, Gebauer & Griller also used its cop­per work­ing and sur­face fin­ish­ing know-how in this fu­ture-ori­ented in­dus­try.


The 1990s led to an ex­pan­sion of the prod­uct port­fo­lio through­out the sup­ply chain: the sub­sidiaries Ka­belkon­fek­tion and Ka­bel­tech­nik in Mikulov (Czech Re­pub­lic) are founded for the pro­duc­tion of ca­ble har­nesses. The in­tro­duc­tion of a com­pre­hen­sive qual­ity as­sur­ance sys­tem leads to the first cer­ti­fi­ca­tion of a ca­ble plant world­wide in ac­cor­dance with the VDA 6.1 stan­dard. The en­tire ca­ble and wire pro­duc­tion is re­lo­cated to Poys­dorf.


A de­vel­op­ment boost in the 1980s: the de­vel­op­ment and pro­duc­tion of telecom­mu­ni­ca­tion ca­bles and el­e­va­tor con­trol ca­bles in Vi­enna, mod­ern PVC com­pound­ing in Poys­dorf and the op­ti­miza­tion of fine cop­per wire pro­duc­tion in Linz.


In the 1970s, Gebauer & Griller added a new sales mar­ket to its port­fo­lio:
As a spe­cial­ist for plas­tic-in­su­lated wires, the com­pany be­came an im­por­tant part­ner of the au­to­mo­tive in­dus­try. A sec­ond lo­ca­tion was es­tab­lished and quickly ex­panded in Poys­dorf.



The 1950s fo­cused on ca­ble and wire pro­duc­tion in Vi­enna. The sys­tem­atic ex­pan­sion of the prod­uct line was ac­com­pa­nied by a con­stant mod­ern­iza­tion of the fa­cil­i­ties.

In the 1960s, Gebauer & Griller was al­ready the #1 sup­plier of ther­mo­plas­tic-in­su­lated ca­ble and wires in Aus­tria. The com­pany de­vel­oped the coun­try's first op­er­a­tional un­der­wa­ter tele­phone ca­ble with plas­tic in­su­la­tion.


Founded as a trad­ing agency for raw ma­te­ri­als and semi-fin­ished prod­ucts, Gebauer & Griller rapidly be­came a pro­duc­tion plant that now op­er­ates world­wide. As an Aus­trian fam­ily-owned busi­ness, we have al­ways been com­mit­ted to our sta­ble val­ues – the spirit of in­no­va­tion, com­pe­tence, and re­li­a­bil­ity.

In the 1940s, the for­mer trad­ing agency spe­cial­ized in jumper and re­sis­tance wires. The lat­ter were pro­duced at our met­al­works in Linz from 1946 until the carve-out in 2020. 
