Data Transmission

Relationships are about interaction and communication.


GG of­fers op­ti­mized data cable so­lu­tions for automotive re­quire­ments: high and stable transmission rates are key for growing applications like autonomous driving and connectivity. In addition, GG develops and produces BUS cables for industrial requirements supporting the industry 4.0 development.

Automotive Datacables

The future of mobility is advancing toward au­tonomous driving and con­nectivity. Fast and secure data transmis­sion is in­creas­in­gly impor­tant for modern vehicles.


Our new de­vel­op­ments en­sure swift trans­mis­sions of grow­ing data vol­umes in less space. We are a global player whose so­lu­tions for data trans­mis­sions in and from the ve­hi­cle keep set­ting new stan­dards in the au­to­mo­tive industry.


Our close collaboration with OEMs and system suppliers makes us an ideal partner meeting the challenges of upcoming technologies.



Industrial Datacables

Industry 4.0 requires ever faster and more complex data transfer: Information is transmitted in real time and production systems must be able to react intelligently to each other.


Our Industrial Datacables meet factory automation requirements up to Industry 4.0 standards and im­press with their excel­lent qual­ity in terms of data trans­mis­sion, relia­bil­ity, flex­i­bil­ity and ro­bust­ness.


We supply a large portfolio for digitalization in industry, including PROFINET and Industrial Ethernet cables, as well as all common fieldbus cables.


